In this article we want to present a sincere reflection that we make from Grupo Vento, from a business point of view, on the best “medicine” to alleviate the consequences of this new situation caused by the covid-19 pandemic.
At certain times, we cannot help but wonder, and we know that we are not the only ones, why it is so difficult for society in general and the political class in particular to understand that the wealth of our country is generated through its companies. That the spearhead for its development should be our industrial fabric, which is capable of generating social well-being starting from nothing; only of ideas that are translated into development projects, using materials and qualified personnel.
The realization of any industrial project implies direct income for the State Administration (general and regional) of 48% of its investment (I.S. + VAT + Personal Income Tax + S.S. + others). It also generates a persistent activity over time, capable of continuing to generate both social and economic benefits. In short, the State is the main beneficiary of any industrial project. In a way, the State is the “majority partner”, receiving approximately half of the investment and of course, it will continue to receive additional income once it is established.
From Grupo Vento we advocate, and we want there to be a greater socio-political awareness, to select the most advantageous industrial projects: that generate stable and well-paid jobs, that are respectful with the environment, that are exportable and that are included within the circular economy concept. This is our proposal, which you can see developed in our recent article on the Circular Economy.